March 3rd Announcements at the End of Mars Project pBTC35A ObservationpBTC35A has remained unprofitable for over five months owing to the low price and insanely high difficulty of Bitcoin. Given the situation…Mar 3, 2023Mar 3, 2023
03/03 关于火星计划pBTC35A观察期结束的公告火星计划算力凭证pBTC35A自2022年10月2日执行关机观察至今,始终未满足开机条件,无法重新部署上架运行及产生收益。Mar 3, 2023Mar 3, 2023
12/03 关于火星计划pBTC35A观察期及相关提案的公告加密货币市场正在经历前所未有之变局,比特币挖矿正逢严冬:受疫情、美联储加息和近期一系列行业黑天鹅事件等影响,比特币价格持续探新低;俄乌战争导致能源冗余降低,显著抬升挖矿用电成本,同时供电侧也极不稳定。Dec 3, 2022Dec 3, 2022
Dec 3rd Announcements on the Proposal of Mars Project pBTC35A Observation PlanThe challenges that confront crypto miners seem insuperable in this crypto winter. Covid-19, the Fed raising interest rates, and…Dec 3, 2022Dec 3, 2022
Announcement on the Update of pBTC35A Depreciation RateThe tough market conditions and increasingly upward network difficulty are continuing to affect the profitability of pBTC35A. At the time…Nov 7, 2022Nov 7, 2022
关于火星计划pBTC35A折损率更新的公告受BTC价格持续低迷和BTC全网算力难度持续攀升影响,采用净收益模式的pBTC35A现阶段的挖矿产出远不足以覆盖其运行所需的电力成本,已进入关机观察阶段。这期间,运维团队在紧密开展矿机的维修保养工作。Nov 7, 2022Nov 7, 2022
Announcement on the Adjustment of pBTC35A Electricity PricingThe total electricity expenditure of pBTC35A gathered from Mars-owned date centers has skyrocketed to the latest $0.09/kWh according to…Jul 5, 2022Jul 5, 2022
火星计划pBTC35A电价调整的公告7月4日最新数据显示火星计划项目海外多个自有场地综合电力成本已飙升至每千瓦时9美分以上,显著超过算力凭证pBTC35A现行每千瓦时8美分的电价设定,对电价的合理调整势在必行。出于对当前全网算力、难度和币价的综合考虑,团队决定微调算力凭证pBTC35A电价至每千瓦时9美分,立即生效…Jul 5, 2022Jul 5, 2022