Announcement on the Update of pBTC35A Depreciation Rate

Mars Project
Nov 7, 2022


The tough market conditions and increasingly upward network difficulty are continuing to affect the profitability of pBTC35A. At the time when Bitcoin is trading below the breakeven point of pBTC35A, Mars team is working intensively on the repair & maintenance of pBTC35A underlying mining rigs.

Recently, an incomplete report by Mars data center suggests that more than 30% of mining rigs have been unable to deliver hashing power in the past seven months. Mars team finds the adjustment of pBTC35A depreciation rate imperative. After thorough consideration, Mars team decides to increase the depreciation rate by 14.76%, taking effect from 11:59:59 PM, November 8, Singapore time (GMT+8).

Mars team

November 7, 2022

