Have 100,000 more pBTC35A on MARS

Mars Project
2 min readFeb 8, 2021

100,000 more pBTC35a on MARS now, subscribed by parties as follows: Three Arrows Capital, Hashkey Capital, Fenbushi Capital, FBG, IOSG, Ledgeprime and Mindfulness Capital and other individual investors. Both parties agree to lockup private placement amount for at least 30 days (from 11:00am Feb 8th, 2021 to 11:00am Mar 10th, 2021, UTC+8). Shall not, in any form, sell or transfer the Token, and can only deposit in pBTC35A Single Token Pool (BTC Gold01) or LP Pool (BTC Gold01 LP).

Private placement price range set at 97-100USDT from the very beginning, while set at 99USDT by refering uniswap spot price at 108.76USDT at 11:30am Feb 8th, 2021 (UTC+8). Discount given to institutions by liquidity lockup for 30 days.

By doing this, hashrate token value doubled on MARS project. Not to mention all private placement investors clearly state that they would hold for long term and would heavily participating on liquidity providing (LP).

Newly issued token would not dilute any current holders’ equity, 1TH/s is 1TH/s, as we are saying all the time. pBTC series and incoming pETH series would be the ‘manufacturing’ tokens, the more standadized hashrate based on Mars platform the better liquidity we will have, and more users and investors coming in. Mars users would sure stand to benefit from that.

No more concrete private placement plan for now. Next focus on inter-protocols merging and vault developing.

Finally, welcome all institutional investors above, they are the tier 1 and would definately help bringing Mars project to a broader field.

Go Mars!

