To Mars residents

Mars Project
2 min readJan 19, 2021

First we would like to thank you for the kind support & understanding you have shown us in the last couple of days.

Second, apparently team would not bring more supply in inhouse store anymore.

The Ethereum (ETH) hashrate token may come out when V2 upgrade is done, no firm schedule yet.

Here is the thing, the Mars team aims at building a standardized hashrate platform which can be governed by the community with earnings being distributed to the community as well. While the team would dedicate themselves to act till the full picture has been painted. Community would then take over full governance.

Step 1, bring underlying assets in protocol. 100,000pBTC35A and incoming ETH hashrate tokens are the base.

Step 2, build up infrastructure on it. Plan to launch lending protocol based on Mars Project which enables pBTC35A holders to leverage meanwhile maintaining aggressive risk management. On the other hand, deleverage functions also would be in place, flatten bitcoin price when needed.

MARS holders could 1) use MARS to pay or get a discount for above services; 2) receive dividend seasonally from the fees revenue.

Back end development is almost done. We are now waiting for the front end and consequent testing. Expect it to be online by the end of February, 2021.

Step 3, cooperate with top tier DeFi projects. Mutual recognition and interaction on assets would be a milestone for both sides. pBTC35A is a bluechip asset that generates Bitcoin block by block, meanwhile risks could be calculated and hedged by V2 tools. This should be embraced by DeFi giants soon, merging would be triggered by the one who acts the fastest.

Again, there would be a seasonly dividend on MARS, by the revenue, trading fees and savings from lean management on mining.

We are an 8 day old project with some brilliant ideas in store with an engineering team capable of realizing these ideas.

Thanks for landing.

Mars team

